The article studies individual-authorial specificity of representation of concept DISEASE in the story of A. Munro. The study analyzes approaches to definition of “concept” by different scientists: S. Askoldov, D. Likhachov, V. Telia, Z. Popova, I. Sternin, I. Stepanov and others. The article is based on the definition of concept, as semantic formation, which contains linguocultural specificity, marks ethnic linguistic worldview, but also reflects panhuman activity.
The analysis reveals the representation of concept DISEASE through explicit and implicit verbal means. Among explicit verbal means there are constantly used lexical items with seme DISEASE. Concept DISEASE is actualized by the description of sick man and atmosphere in the house.
Implicitly concept is represented by using of similes, that add narration imagery and emotionality, and using of hints in dialogues of characters, that create the atmosphere of depression.
The other tool of concept verbalization in the story “Some Women” is the use of other concepts’ constituents, which meaning is closely connected with the analyzed concept. These are concepts of death, fear, care, life. Constituents of concepts of death, fear and care are in close touch with concept DISEASE. Concept of life is, on the contrary, antonymic to it. The study of verbal explication of concept DISEASE in the story “Some Women” by A. Munro reveals specificity of verbalization of motives: disease, death and life. It highlights specific features of authorial idiolect and helps to deepen into authorial world perception.
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