• A. Ye. Boldyreva
  • L. S. Yarovenko
Keywords: special lexis, term system, rendering, equivalence, source language, target language


The article summarises views of different scholars on the term definition, and the ways of their rendering while translating. Research has been done on the basis of a novel by a famous English-Canadian writer A. Hailey “Airport” and its translation into Russian. Terms, even the whole term systems and terminology as a specific layer of the language have been the object different investigations from linguistic, logic and academic points of view. Each year the interest in various problems of terminology in both theoretical and practical aspects gets bigger. The reason of this is the terminology great importance in the modern language, which in its turn reflects the role of science in the society. Nowadays the problem of terminology investigation is one of the main modern linguistics objectives. There is a number of various works which define the term, give their linguistic and semantic peculiarities, interpret terms. At present scholars in different languages are studying specific peculiarities of scientific-technical texts, terms structures, the ways of their formation, problems of terms standartisation and ordering, the problem of equivalence and adequacy while translating terms. Accuracy of phrasing in the source and target languages requires terminology usage – the translator’s acknowledge with term systems of both languages, their ability to work with the dictionaries and consult the specialists. The problems of contrastive, comparative and typological investigation of scientific-technical terms, their translation are still unsolved. There is no sameness of views of either term definition, or unicity understanding of their peculiarities, or the ways of their translation etc. This article is dedicated to the problem of rendering terms while translating. However, the material of our investigation is not a scientific or technical text, but belles-letter one. Undoubtedly this fact affects the ways of terms translation. We will study these peculiarities in this article backing up our arguments with examples from the investigated novel.


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How to Cite
Boldyreva, A. Y., & Yarovenko, L. S. (2020). AVIATION TERMS IN LITERARY TRANSLATIN. New Philology, 1(80), 72-78. https://doi.org/10.26661/2414-1135-2020-80-1-12