Keywords: terminography, medical term, English medical dictionary, dynamic system, diachronic and synchronic approaches


The article is devoted to the study of such field of linguistics, as lexicography for special purposes (LSP Lexicography), namely medical terminography. In this context English medical terminography is regarded as a system in the context of the formation of a global scientific and technical space, its parameters depend on time and progressively change under the influence of various external and internal factors. The comprehensive study of English medical terminography (AMT) with diachronic and synchronic approach has helped to identify the linguistic and extralinguistic parameters of AMT as an open dynamic system. Linguistic parameters are differentiated into external and internal elements. The history of language, the history of terminology and lexicography are considered as external elements. The periodization and dynamics of the AMT development, typology of English medical dictionaries (their structural features, principles of creation, classification), mega-, macro- and microstructures of medical dictionaries of different types, tools and methods of medical term terminography – as internal ones. Extralinguistic parameters include the history of the world, the history of medicine, the processes of globalization, which directly affect the development of medical terminography and correlate in this paradigm.

The integrity, the interaction of internal and external parameters, the interaction with the external environment, the hierarchy, the presence of the core have been considered as the properties of the AMT system. The main characteristics of the AMT as an open dynamic system have been distinguished as the following: the system status and behaviour, the continuity of operation, the development, the dynamic, the complexity, the self-preservation, the purposefulness, the controllability, the adaptability, the stability. The results of the study made it possible to conclude that medical terminography is an open dynamic system that functions within the interaction of linguistic and extralinguistic parameters. The functioning of such a system occurs while a relevant field of knowledge is actively developing, new terms are being created and the processes of their standardization, codification and registration are underway in terminography through the use of special terminological and lexicographic tools. This supports the existence of a certain field of knowledge and promotes the fruitful communication among specialists at the global level.


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How to Cite
GORDIYENKO, O. V. (2020). MEDICAL TERMINOGRAPHY AS A DYNAMIC SYSTEM. New Philology, (79), 15-19. Retrieved from