Keywords: model, synergy, attractor, stylistic archetype, stylistic feature, actual structuralizing of sentence


The article analyzes the German schwank in the aspect of synergy, studying its style in the most fundamental way.

The paper focuses on the research of synergetic aspects of the German prose schwank style which is relevant from the viewpoint of modern stylistics. The author’s attention is concentrated on the necessity of understanding the fact that in order to construct a synergetic model of the German schwank one requires to take into consideration its self-organization, and the very synergetic process emerges due to the contradictions existing on all its levels: formal, sensual, associational, conceptual.

The research proves that schwank features a similar actual structuralizing of sentences corresponding to the vernacular narrative. Current research also sheds light on synergy being the integral part of the German prose in general and schwank as its representation, with its function defined as keeping the balance between the actual and the aesthetical layers of the given type of texts. The attractors are the core of the German prose schwank, bearing the attraction of social order, and the societal representation of such attractors are the archetypes. It is duly noted, that the main factors actualizing the creation and self-organization of the synergetic system is its hierarchy. The author proves the synergetic model to provide the interconnection of stylistic features and their function on all the language levels. The article also features the improved notion of a synergetic model and its place in the self-organization of the German prose schwank. The author of the research paper comes to the conclusion that synergetics enables the adequate description of the complex systems’ evolution.


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How to Cite
MUKATAIEVA, Y. V. (2019). THE SYNERGETIC MODEL OF THE GERMAN SCHWANK. New Philology, (77), 35-39. Retrieved from