About the Journal

A collection of scientific papers “New Philology” (“Nova filologia”) is a scientific periodical established by the Foreign Philology Faculty of Zaporizhzhia National University in 2001. The journal includes the articles devoted to the recent issues of cognitive and contrastive linguistics, discourse studies, translatology, linguosynergetics etc. The research results are revealed mainly in terms of the latest scientific approaches characteristic of the ХХІ сentury philological thought. The purpose of the journal is to elucidate and promote modern scientific studies in the field of philological sciences.
The journal is targeted at a wide circle of linguists: researchers, lecturers, as well as senior, graduate, post-graduate, doctoral and post-doctoral students.

ISSN 2414-1135 (Print)

Periodicity: 4 times a year.

Certificate of state registration of the printed source of mass media КВ № 15875-4347 ПР of 02.10.2009.

Based on the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 409 dated March 17, 2020 (Appendix 1), the collection is included in the List of scientific professional publications of Ukraine of category "B" in the field of philological sciences (035 - Philology).

The purpose of the journal is to elucidate and promote modern scientific studies in the field of philological sciences.

Tasks of the journal:

1) acquainting readers with the latest achievements of specialists in the field of linguistics, linguocognitology, linguocultural studies, discursive linguistics, linguosynergetics of Romance-Germanic languages in monographic, comparative and translation aspects;

2) study of classical and new trends of linguistics and attracting authors to their analysis in publications;

3) dissemination of scientific results in different countries of the world;

4) popularization of the issue in modern academia and expanding its indexing in home and foreign academic databases;

5) ensuring a high professional level of publications;

6) guarantee of academic ethics.

Problematics: the journal includes the articles devoted to the recent issues of cognitive and contrastive linguistics, discourse studies, translatology, linguosynergetics etc. The research results are revealed mainly in terms of the latest scientific approaches characteristic of the ХХІ сentury philological thought.

The journal is targeted at a wide circle of linguists: researchers, lecturers, as well as senior, graduate, post-graduate, doctoral and post-doctoral students.

The journal is published in accordance with the decision of Academic Board of Zaporizhzhia National University.

Languages: Ukrainian, English, German, French.

The journal is registered in ICI World of Journals database and has been indexed in ICI Journals Master List (Index Copernicus) since 2018, in ERIH PLUS database since 2019.