The paper presents a synergetic-information classification of translator’s mistakes in the system of specialized translation. It analyzes the false translation solutions in the specialized texts, which belongs to socio-psychological discourse (essay genre) and to administrative discourse (protocol genre), on the base of their standard and multiple translations as well. An interdisciplinary field of translation synergetics as a theory of selforganization in the social systems builds the research paradigm of translator’s mistakes.
The paper outlines theoretical background of synergetic methodology, describes distinctive features of translation as a synergetic object, including synergetic principles of Being and Formation in the specialized translation system. It investigates how synergetic principles work on example of translation nonlinearity.
The methodological research basis is the author’s synergetic-information model of the system of specialized translation. According to the levels of synergetic translation system the types and causes of translator’s mistakes are identified. The prognostic ways of minimizing false translation solutions are outlined.
The five types of translator’s mistakes are distinguished: structural-semantic (linguistic) mistakes; target discourse mistakes as deviations from the genre and style norms in the target discourse; situational discursive mistakes as an incorrect identification the communicative factors in the source text; special discursive mistakes, realized by translation corruption of the special knowledge of the source text’s professional area in the target text; background mistakes as a deficit of translator’s referential knowledge.
The conclusion is made that the effectiveness of intercultural specialized communication is reduced, which is mainly caused by translator’s information deficit at the discourse level, which requires preventive elimination strategies before translating.
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