The article is devoted to the research of the features of the phonographic system of the Middle French language in the XIV-XV centuries. The graphics of this period have undergone certain phonetic changes. The sound system of the French language evolved significantly. Under the influence of etymologization, the French spelling begins to intensify the introduction of Latin letters of one or another word. The spelling of words differs more and more from pronunciation, making it difficult to write with extra characters. The changes in vowels and consonants in the utterance took place as unconscious under the influence of emphasis, which changes from verbal to phrasal.
One of the components that constitutes the phonographic system of the language is single-letter graphic complexes or graphemes. These complexes, consisting of one letter and transmitting a vowel or consonant sound, are defined as monographs.
The analysis revealed the absence of an absolute correlation between graphic complexes and their sounding. According to quantitative analysis, this phenomenon is almost identically observed both in the vocal system and in the system of consonants. One letter may correspond to a combination of two sounds or two or more different phonemes. In its turn, one phoneme can be represented by several letters.
The vocal system of single-letter graphic complexes of the Middle French period was mostly monophonic. A significant number of submitted graphs transmitted only one sound. The French consonant system of the XIV-XV centuries did not undergo significant changes at the phonographic level. One-letter graphic complexes, which reflected consonants in the letter, in contrast to the vowels, almost completely reflected the basic rule of the graph, when one sound corresponds to one letter. In the course of many centuries of development, French writing was constantly subject to the influence of Latin tradition, due to which it lagged behind the live pronunciation. A great difficulty in French spelling is caused by the preservation of foreign language spelling of borrowed words.
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