Keywords: interior discourse, inner speech, inner monologue, represented speech, mindflow, exterior discourse


The article deals with the study of interior discourse in German. Today the discourse is researched through pragmalinguistics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, linguocultural studies. We examine discourse as a cohesive text in combination with extralinguistic, sociocultural, pragmatic, and psychological factors; this is the text taken in the aspect of events; speech, which is seen as a purposeful social phenomenon, acting as a component that participates in the interaction of people and mechanisms of their consciousness. Discourse is a speech involved in life. Among the various classifications and types of discourses, we focus our attention on the study of interior discourse. We examine the interior discourse as a cognitive and emotional perception and development of the subject's world, which is created by the author of the literary work. The linguistic and psychological criterion for defining the interior discourse is self-centeredness, it means the orientation of the subject's expression on himself. The inner world of the character is revealed through inner speech, dreams, dreams, memories.

Internal speech is examined from both the lingual and extralinguistic positions. In psychology, internal speech is the psychophysiological reflection of the aggregate cognitive, motivational, emotional features of the individual, which are realized by his or her mental activity. This internal type of expression in the structure of the literary text is a kind of self-disclosure of the subject and presentation of his inner world, which helps to understand the mechanism of external action generated by his personal outlook. A feature of interior discourse is that internal thoughts, which are usually not verbalized in real life, take on a verbal form through the author. In an interior discourse, there is an emotion that is not visible in the exterior discourse. Due to the interior discourse, the deep inner experiences of the characters of the work are explicitly demonstrated, and the true motives of the actions are revealed. The emergence of this type of discourse is always associated with the psychological mood of the character.

The study of interior discourse as an literary phenomenon involves considering its two interrelated parties: a) cognitive processes and their partial speech manifestations (chaotic, illogical, multifaceted, associative, emotional), conditions of occurrence, their interaction and interaction in a literary work. Speech manifestations of interior discourse are realized in the form of a) internal dialogue or monologue; b) non-proper direct language; c) the flow of consciousness.

Interior speech is situational and incomprehensible without knowing the situation, it is the subject's reaction to an external stimulus.


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How to Cite
NAIDIUK, O., & PRYKHODKO, V. (2020). PЕCULIARITIES OF INTERIOR DISCOURSE. New Philology, (79), 83-88. Retrieved from http://novafilolohiia.zp.ua/index.php/new-philology/article/view/15