Modern English military vocabulary is characterized by high rates of development and rapid reacting to the dynamics of outer changes in connection with new wars and military conflicts. The article is devoted to the study of military innovations which were coined by analogy as productive mechanism of English vocabulary. The analogy as the universal mechanism of formation innovative military lexical and phraseological units contributes considerably to the formation of English military vocabulary. Analogy is the process whereby linguistic units or categories, based on a certain similarity, similar form, meaning, and function, have the opportunity of further unidirectional, parallel development, or complete unification of one unit following the model of another. New military lexical and phraseological units have been divided into three groups: synonymic (weapons of mass destruction, weapons of mass effect), thematically related (car-bomb, train-bomb truck-bomb, drone-bomb; carpet-bomb, carpet-nuke, briefcase nuke, suitcase bomb) and opposite by the meanings (panda-mugger, panda-hugger; hostile fire, friendly fire) units. The morphological and semantic ways of enriching English word stock of military innovations have been analyzed. We can observe the interconnection between the analogy and the most active means of forming new lexical units of military vocabulary: affixation (packbot, deliverbot, bombot, nukebot ), composition (war blog, army blog, military blog), abbreviation (IED (Improvised Explosive Device), IND (Improvised Nuclear Device), PBIED (Person-borne Improvised Explosive Device), VBIED (Vehicle-borne Improvised Explosive Device)), contraction, blending (militainment, urbot, milinet, psywar). The interdependence between the main ways and variety of linguistic means is demonstrated in the process of analysis of English military innovations. Revealed in the research where the lingual and sociolinguistic features of the formation and functioning of new English military vocabulary, which were created using the analogy as productive mechanism. The further research may be directed at the lingual-cognitive and synergetic studies of English military innovations which were formed by analogy.
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