The article under consideration is aimed to analyze the referential component peculiarity of the semantics of English lexemes with wide meaning (eurysemes). As to extensional relationships, linguists note the heterogeneous character of the respective language units and appropriately they represent the classifications of substantive eurysemy. The latter were based on different types of the wide meaning of lingual signs. It is revealed that most of eurysemes can express generalized generic or generalized categorical meaning. Special focus was given to the fact that mentally singled out certain entity of real characteristics of subjects in context of the abstraction from concrete things are to be taken into consideration.
Correspondently we offer our own classification of English nouns of wide semantics based on singling out the types of referents that a eurysemic unit can signify. As to the referencial features of a language unit, under the latter we mean a concrete subject, to be corresponded with the linguistic unit in the process of its contextual use. Such unit is to be taken in all complexity of its lingual and speech features. On this basis the eurysemes have different degrees of referential correlation (high, average, low) which are distinguished on the basis of referential types. Notably words of wide meaning can acquire the traits of mono-, poly- and multireference.
We have detailed the low degree of referential correlation of substantive lexemes with wide meaning (monoreferential eurysemes), moreover, we have emphasized their derivative capability to create phraseological units. The ability of the mentioned lexemes to reserve the monoreference in the structure of phraseological units is exposed, furthermore, the types of referents of these idioms are defined.
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