The article deals with the self-organization of cinematographic lexicon as the main factor of its development. Cinematographic lexicon is considered to be a constituent part of the language super system from the synergetic point of view. According to this theory language is characterized as a dynamic system which undergoes constant changes and developments. The evolution and self-organization of the English cinematographic lexicon is realized due to the main synergetic principles: hierarchy, openness, nonlinear nature and non-balanced state. The hierarchy of the lexicon is revealed through the ability to be the part of a bigger and more complex system as well as the potential to build up smaller systems according to the same pattern. The open nature of complex system occurs in its ability to share information, energy and matter.
The cinematographic lexicon is an open and dynamic system that exchanges lexical material with other languages and the English sub-lexicons of the following spheres: photography, theatre, acoustics, optics, distribution, business, media, computer technologies and thus constantly enriches its stock. The migration of elements from one system to another is possible due to the processes of terminologization, transterminologization, reterminologization and determinologization. The system’s homeostasis means its relative stability under perpetual inner development.
The stability of the system is a temporary state that is followed by a non-balanced one as the result of various factors’ influence. In its non-balanced state the system gains the bifurcation point that enables a multiple choice of the system’s development. All the changes are nonlinear by their nature and thus difficult to predict because of the heterogeneous status of system elements and ways of their evolution. Dissipativity is also a peculiar feature of the language system that implies diffusion of energy, matter and information at some periphery fields of the system.
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