The paper reviews the peculiarities of interpreting in contrast to translation; analyses the distinctive features of the ‘sentence-by-sentence’ (without note taking) consecutive interpreting; establishes the principles of the system hierarchy levels differentiation; identifies the content of exercises and tasks at each level of the said hierarchy, as well as the relationship among them; offers the assumption concerning the ways to apply the suggested system for the development of batteries of exercises and tasks for specific purposes.
Basing on the analysis of the general system of exercises and tasks in translator/interpreter training, the author offers a three-component system of exercises and tasks for ‘sentence-by-sentence’ (without note taking) consecutive interpreter training. The components discrimination is based upon their aims, which fall into one of the following three categories. The first one is related to the acquisition of skills and operations, which are required for the translation/interpreting, process, but do not involve translation/interpreting proper. The second category includes the translation/interpreting actions and operations that can be automatized, while the third one incorporates translation/interpreting skills, which are based on the actions and operations of the first two categories. Taking into account the said discrimination, the author suggests a system composed of three subsystems: (1) preparatory exercises, (2) those intended for the translation/interpreting automatic components formation, and (3) for the development of translation/interpreting skills. The paper shows the hierarchy of the notions of “system”, “subsystem”, “group”, “type” and “kind” of exercises and provides examples of their realization within the system. The prospects of further research are outlined.
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