This article addresses metaphorical and metonymic transfers on the material of German political discourse. We formulate the basic features of metaphor and metonymy and determine their role in the German political discourse. The purpose of this article is to describe the semantics of metaphorical and metonymic in German political discourse. Based on our goal, we can formulate the following tasks: 1. To formulate the main features of metaphor and metonymy. 2. To determine their semantic role in German political discourse. The subject of this article is a political discourse.
The object of the study is lexical units that are used in the sense of metaphor and metonymy. We used the following methods: descriptive, contextual analysis method, the elements of component analysis, quantitative analysis. The relevance of this investigation is due to the insufficient material for explanation of certain aspects of the mass media, in particular, the possibility of programming the reaction of message recipients using verbal means. The study of color is very relevant in our time. On this subject, the scientists conducted a lot of research in the specific terms of color, exposure, and color perception. In political discourse, there are many methods of stylistic expression that emerged on the basis of secondary nomination. The essence of the secondary category is that newly created means of expression are designed taking into account the norms of natural language, resulting in a metaphorical (portable) speech.
There are two types of tropes we are going to investigate – metaphor and metonymy. Some examples of metaphor in the German political discourse are - der Schwarzmarkt, das Schwarzbuch des Kommunismus, der Schwarze September, der Schwarze Montag, die Weißgeldstrategie. The metonymy is also widely used in the political speech - Das Rote-Khmer-Tribunal, schwarz-grüne Gespräche, grüne Fraktionsvorsitzende, die Grünen-Spitze Verhandlungen, Rot-Grün, der schwarze Horst Seehafer und der grüne Wienfried Kretschmann, schwarz-gelbe Regierung, schwarz-gelbe Koalition, „roter Kronprinz“, schwarz-rot-goldene Minister, schwarz-rot-goldene Innenpolitik. The results of the investigation can be helpful while further researching of political linguistics.
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