This article examines linguistic ways of instantiation of the concept of ART in “Angels and Demons” by D. Brown. The concept under consideration belongs to the fundamental concepts holding a central position in the worldview of linguistic communities. Since this mental structure is represented with a considerable number of linguistic items, the research is concentrated on lexical units that construe the notion of “art”. All marked words are divided into groups, thus giving an opportunity to understand the linguistic peculiarities of instantiation of this mental structure to the fullest degree. We’ve discovered such groups of lexical units as outstanding people of arts, occupations in the sphere of art, art periods, materials used in art, architecture, sculpture, painting, literature, etc. Groups of architecture and sculpture are represented with the biggest number of marked words, thus demonstrating the essence of the concept ART to the extent possible. The research also shows the differences in traditional definition of the “art” and the author’s vision represented in the book. Our findings show that Dan Brown views “art” as an occupation requiring knowledge or skill, works created by artists, source of inspiration and aesthetic pleasure, mean of expressing sacred religious meanings, and tool of strengthening the science and fighting the church. The notion of “art” is represented as a material phenomenon rather than a spiritual part of the human’s culture, thus underlining the idea of opposition in the novel “Angels and demons”. Even the title of the book is based on antonyms; this device gives us a hint about a confrontation of angels and demons, good and evil, religion and art, science and religion in the book. Antagonism provides us with an opportunity to conduct an extensive investigation and receive a deeper understanding of the concept ART in this novel.
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