Keywords: neologism, socio-political sphere, terrorism, discrimination, politics, word stock, phraseology


The article deals with the key points of neology as a science and neologisms of political sphere in socio-political lexis on the basis of the English language. Much attention is paid to the extralingual sources of word stock enrichment of the modern English language which include culturalhistorical and socio-historical factors and the activity of linguistic society. From the point of view of neology the process of creation of new words, background and factors of their appearance in the language are not properly researched in the modern linguistics. Politics has always been a productive sphere of new words for the word stock. The main sources of socio-political lexicon update are also considered in the article. Speaking of the increased interest to the problem of neology in terms of the American discourse it should be noted that American neologisms demonstrate the ability to adapt the language to the functional conditions, i.e. the conditions that change because of the external factors. The process of lexical innovation is heavily influenced by the historical, cultural and socio-political conditions of the speaking communities. The creation of new words can be caused by the direct necessities of the community or by the internal factors that are basically shaped by the social factors. This includes the appearance of new realia, changes in moral standards, influence of the social factors and events, globalization, changes in various spheres of the social life of the community. As for the practical questions of neology – it is mostly social factors that influence the creation of new words. The end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century is marked by global social and economical changes and movements. New words started to appear much faster as this change is driven by fast paced changes in the life of English- speaking community. Since most of the changes are socio-politically oriented this sphere has become one of the most productive and relevant in terms of creation of the new words.


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How to Cite
GONCHAR, N. M. (2017). EXTRALINGUAL FACTORS OF INFLUENCING ENGLISH SOCIO-POLITICAL LEXICON ENRICHMENT. New Philology, (70), 46-51. Retrieved from http://novafilolohiia.zp.ua/index.php/new-philology/article/view/226