The article aims at providing a comprehensive analysis of interaction of different language structure levels. The results obtained demonstrate the interaction of morphological and lexical semantics, syntactic and lexical semantics, morphological and syntactic semantics The influence of morphological semantics upon lexical one is manifested in partial lexicalization of some morphological forms (e. g.: teas, steels; waters, sands). The influence of syntactic semantics upon lexical one is manifested in dependence of word’s lexical meaning on the syntactic model of the sentence (e. g. different meanings of the verb “to sell” in the constructions NVN arid NVD. He sells the book - The book sells well); on the other hand, lexical meaning of words may influence the syntactic relations between the components of identical syntactic structures (e. g. John is eager to please - John is easy to please). The lexical meaning of the word may also depend on its syntactic function (e. g. the use of the verb “to go” in the Continuous form with the infinitive of another verb, where the verb “to go" is a component of the complex verbal predicate, expressing a future action: It is going to rain). The interaction of morphological and syntactic semantics is manifested in the fact that the change of the morphological form of the verb may cause the change of the syntactic structure of the sentence (e. g. John gave a book - John was given a book). The article also presents the results of researching the influence of lexical semantics upon functioning grammatical categories of aspect, correlation and voice. The data obtained show that the functioning of these categories depends on the group semantics of verbs and the corresponding sublanguage.
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