Keywords: socio-political discourse, translation, discourse register, transformation, distribution, context factor


Translation is traditionally defined as the product of a linguistic-textual operation in which a text in one language is reproduced in another language. This transformation is said to be subject to and influenced by a variety of different extra-linguistic factors and conditions. And Translation plays a very important role in stabilizing a Global Home with thr Global Language. The complexity of the translation of socio-political discourse and its dominant lexemes stems from the correlation of “linguistic-textual” and “extralinguistic contextual” factors which provide instruments for investigating translation. The present paper is aimed at determining the components of the lexical meaning of the English adjective “public” registered in socio-political discourse (economy, communication, society, and governance) and their transference into Ukrainian, wherein they are verbalized by the lexemes of specific discourse registers. Our hypothesis is that «публічний» is a transliteration which under the influence of its wide combinability and frequency in socio-political discourse reveals a number of semantic components at the same time retaining its Latin dominant one. We must also pay attention to the manipulation of “public” pertaining to ‘state’ and “public” pertaining to ‘people’ in the socio-political discourse translation. The English lexeme “public” ‘not pertaining to state-supported school can also represent the concept “private” (5.1), i.e. “public school” or “public” ‘not pertaining to private ‘. Further on the Ukrainian contextual semantics of socio-political discourse made the author look for an exact lexeme representing a component of «публічний» corresponding to the given context. This is the way of expanding the semantic domain of ‘публічний’ in the Ukrainian Language worldview. Otherwise Ukrainian «публічний» can be perceived as a foreign borrowing in Ukrainian discourse. The article discusses the controversy surrounding the issue of equivalence in translation studies and criticizes the thesis that translation and equivalence depend upon semantic correlations of the Source Language and the Target Language. A multidisciplinary approach to the sociopolitical discourse translation blazes the way to the correlation of cross-linguistic and cross-cultural practice of translation to meet the demands of globalization.


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How to Cite
MYKHAYLENKO, V. V. (2017). ON CONVEYING THE ENGLISH LEXEME “PUBLIC” INTO UKRAINIAN. New Philology, (69), 122-128. Retrieved from http://novafilolohiia.zp.ua/index.php/new-philology/article/view/292