This article deals with characteristics of modern military conflicts. The author analyses the “evolution” of wars and their nominations. Modern military conflicts acquire new characteristics, which are proved by the corresponding denotations in modern English. Contemporary wars are conceded to be “four-generation wars”. They have specific names depending on their characteristics (asymmetric warfare, hybrid warfare, technocentric warfare, cyberwarfare, smart war, clean warfare). The feature of the “fourthgeneration warfare” is intensive use of modern information technology and precision weapons. The main characteristics of the “fourth-generation warfare” is the “notion” asymmetry which is why this war is called “asymmetric warfare”. The “hybrid warfare” is a kind of “asymmetric warfare”. The “hybrid warfare” is a blend of hard and soft power: it is military strategy that combines conventional and cyber warfare. Military experts suppose the ”nformation warfare” is one of the components of a “hybrid warfare”. It is aimed at incapacitating computer networks and other sources of information of the enemy. The result of the application of modern technology and “smart” weapons is denoted by the innovation “smart warfare”. The synonyms are digital warfare, wired war. The notion of “technocentric warfare” also refers to the characteristics of the “fourth-generation warfare”. The “technocentric warfare” puts the emphasis not on armour but on information. The nominations and characteristics of modern military conflicts in English reflect their peculiarities at the present stage of humanity’s history and prove to the process of the military vocabulary development.
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