Keywords: gap, language, speech, speech behavior, formants, syncreta


The paper deals with lacunarity problem in language, speech and speech behavior. The questions of zero articulation, semantic lacunarity and zero exteriorization are being described in the English discourse. Lacunarity formants work with the reduction, simplification, communicative silence, hesitation, non-verbal representation. Lexical gaps arise due to different lexical, lexico-semantic designs of languages and cultures. Semantic void of nominative and communication units has increasingly attracted the attention of linguists engaged in research of incoherence, ambivalence, enigmatic phenomena. Lacunas consist of surface and deep structures: surface structures are neither visual nor readable, deep structures of the gaps are substantial, variable and difficult to interpret. The basic method is ontognosiological − complex and syncretic. The object is lacunarity, its formants in different endozones of the English language. The topicality is objectivized by growing interest of linguists in this country and abroad. Lacunarity is indebted to the process of cognition, cognized and noncognized phenomena. The choice of the complex ontognociological approach is relevant to the nature of referents. Lacunar items come into being not only because of problem of nothingness. There work archaic lacunas: words fall into disuse. Some concepts aren’t available neither. Some words are prohibited by the taboo. Some words may be extra, prolific in the context. There work linguistic shock and attention span. Let alone silence, hesitation, pause at that). Formants of lacunas work in language, speech and speech behaviour. The lacunarity problem has not been deeply indentified yet.


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How to Cite
ANOKHINA, T. O. (2016). LACUNAR FORMANTS IN LANGUAGE, SPEECH AND SPEECH BEHAVIOR. New Philology, (68), 40-45. Retrieved from

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