Keywords: derivation, word-building category, formant, derivative word, morphophonemics


The article deals with the problem of derivational categories’ place and role in the derivative word’s form and meaning creation in close relation to morphophonemics. Some native linguists still seem to ignore the rules of morphology. As a rule, it results in the incorrect conclusions about the form and the meaning of one or another word-building affixes. Consequently, the authors postulate the fact that the language has some separate independent derivational formants. Such postulates are made about the cases which should be actually classified as overlapping, apocope/syncope or morph’s dropping in the process of word formation. It means that such authors deny essential features of formatives interacting in the process of new word production, i.e. variative, synonymous, homonymous and polysemic relations existing between the productive basis, the word-building formant and the derivational model. From this perspective it is also impossible to explain the stylistic significance of the derivative word. The latter makes any investigation of cognitive processes in Derivatology the lame one, not meeting the tasks of modern Linguistics.


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How to Cite
ALEKSEEV, A. Y. (2016). WORD-BUILDING AND MORPHOPHONEMICS. New Philology, (68), 117-121. Retrieved from http://novafilolohiia.zp.ua/index.php/new-philology/article/view/336