The article is devoted to the study of the historical dynamics of commissive speech acts of performative forms in the German dialogical discourse and defining diachronically permanent and variable characteristics of commissive performative acts. Commissive acts include the acts which differ from other types in the nature of intention and in social conditions of their realization. The majority of commissive acts are united into the group “Promises” according to the type of a communicative intention. The acts which belong to this group such as promise, persuasion, guarantee and oath have their own distinctive features. Their common feature is that they have a fundamentally similar propositional content which is characterized by intentionality and orientation on the subject. Studying the historical perspective of commissive performatives and supporting the fact that a speech act has a three-level structure, it can be concluded that locutionary components are varied more than perlocutionary ones. Taking into account illocutionary characteristics, this speech act presents a stable phenomenon. Historical changes of commissive performative speech acts are associated with performative verbs and pragmatic markers. A set and frequency of performative verbs that express promise are considerably varied. In the discourse of the XX-XXI centuries the number of performative verbs and markers with the semantics of promise decreases and there is the increase of implicit commissive performatives frequency which is historically caused by the transition from the emotionality and openness of the discourse of the XV-XVI centuries to the discourse of negative politeness in the XX-XXI centuries, when the demonstration of emotions is considered to be the violation of communication standards. The aspect and tense forms of the verb, which are used for indirect realization of commissive performative speech acts, are also subject to historical variation. As for the illocutionary purpose, commissive performative speech acts are divided into two groups: commissive speech acts in their own performative sense and speech acts of commissive performative forms performing the metacommunicative function. Proper performative utterances demonstrate illocutionary specificity of commissives. Metacommunicative utterances by their pronouncing do not create a new situation, a speaker just explains how to perceive his words, not relying on some conventionalized action, which enables a listener to understand that there is something else except simple informing. In the discourse of the XX-XXI centuries the number of performative verbs and markers of promising semantics reduced, but the frequency of implicit performative and commissive performative speech acts in metacommunicative function increased. Instead, in the discourse of the XV-XVI centuries commissive performative speech acts in the proper sense were dominated, due to the existence of a strong stratification of the German society in this period.
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