This paper is a study of ethnocultural specificity of the linguocultural concept of BELLICISME in French communication. The theoretical basis of research is a complex of scientific works of cognitive-communicative orientation, in particular the sphere of lingual conceptology with the focus on the delineation of conceptual, figurative and valuable information in the structure of the concept, including the concept of the text, discourse, works on the theory of verbal poetic image and the theory of conceptual metaphor. Understanding of theoretical sources in philosophy, anthropology, culturology, archeology, religion, history, linguistic concepts and genderology in relation to the concept of bellicosity contributed to its definition as a multidimensional mental entity structured by the conceptual and figurative components and reinterpreted in the artistic discourse of the modern French language. The applied research complex methodology which includes specific linguistic methods (such as hypothetical-deductive, discursive, communicative and pragmatic), techniques involving linguocognitive method (techniques of framing, cognitive semantic analysis) helped solve the research problem and to achieve scientific objectives, namely: based on logical and conceptual principles and lexicographic sources, to define the structure of the concept of BELLICISME and identify its nucleus and periphery, as well as the means of its expression, that occur in the French language at the level of words, word-combinations, sentences, text, to construct its model on the material of the modern French language and in the author’s individual conceptual sphere on the material of the literary texts by A. Nothomb, to explore the linguocultural specificity of the realization of the concept of BELLICISME in the contemporary French prose. The practical significance of the results is to broaden the theoretical and methodological basis of the concepts study in the linguocultural aspect. We can contribute the results and conclusions of work to the contemporary Romance linguistics, namely, to cognitive linguistics, the linguistics of concepts, in particular, artistic, thanks to the deepening of ideas about the conceptualization of bellicosity in contemporary French prose, reconstruction of the concept of BELLICISME and determination of the means of its verbalization in modern French and the study of the linguocultural specificity of its realization.
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