• T. M. Nikolchenko
  • K. S. Luk’yanecz’
Keywords: literary translation, poetic translation, translatability, untranslatability, translation technique


The article considers the possibility of poetic translations from Ukrainian into Russian, analyzes the translation of a poem written by a modern Ukrainian author Sergij Zhadan. The literary style is a functional style that serves the ethical sphere of communication, the main purpose of which is to learn the world according to the laws of beauty, to satisfy the aesthetic needs of both the author of the literary work and the reader, and the aesthetic impact on the reader with the help of the literary images. The literary style differs from other functional styles. It uses the linguistic means of all other styles, but these means appear here in a modified function – aesthetic. A literary translation is not only a translation of a work from one language into another, but also its “transformation” from one national culture to another. Not every translator is easily able to convey the beauty of works created in another language. Between the original work and the translated text lies the complex multidimensional work of the translator, the essence of which remains for many years the subject of controversy and discussion in the theory of translation. Poetic translation and, in particular, the problem of principle translatability / untranslatability of the poetic translation, techniques and methods for achieving equivalence of the poetic translation has also been an important and timely issue for the translators for more than a century, and is actively being developed at this stage of the development of translation. Thus, the aim of the study is to determine the degree of adequacy of selected translated texts to the original poem and their comparative analysis, the authors try to answer the question of whether poetic translation is possible and if possible, whether the translator a new work, radically different from the original work. As you know there are many view points on this issue and there are two contrary ones. The one is that poetic translation is impossible at all and the other one is that poetic translation is not just a translation, but a new work in the language of translation, and the translator is not just a translator, but also the creator of a fundamentally new work. In this study, the authors try to answer the question if poetic translation is possible.


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How to Cite
Nikolchenko, T. M., & Luk’yanecz’, K. S. (2020). MAIN DIFFICULTIES AND FEATURES OF TRANSLATION OF ARTISTIC POETRY TEXT. New Philology, 2(80), 78-82.