The article analyzes the works of the famous Ukrainian writer Hryhoriy Tyutyunnyk. Constructions with homogeneous main components are singled out, their structural and semantic features are analyzed, the stylistic role of these language units is determined. It is noted that the study of the language of writer’s works is of interest to researchers, as it allows to determine the peculiar features of creativity, to determine the role of an author in the development of the literary language of the Ukrainian people. Characterization of the writer’s idiosyncrasy is largely based on the analysis of linguistic features of texts. The syntactic level is known to be the highest link in the functioning of language units, so the study of syntactic units in works is relevant and important for a comprehensive analysis of linguistic and stylistic features of texts of works by Ukrainian writers. Finding out the peculiarities of the use of homogeneous members of the sentence (namely the main components) in the works of Hryhoriy Tyutyunnik will allow to understand the depth of his worldview, which will contribute to a better understanding of the artist’s work. These peculiarities actualize the choice of thematic direction of the proposed article. Analysis of the texts of Hryhor Tyutyunnyk’s stories showed that the writer unproductively uses sentences with homogeneous subjects. Usually such components function in double sentences. Quite often homogeneous subjects are widespread, have other complicating components. It is determined that mostly homogeneous subjects have a traditional morphological expression – noun. There is also a similarity of connection of homogeneous components-subjects in the works of Grigor Tyutyunnik: they are usually connected by a connecting connection. It is revealed that in the author’s texts sentences with homogeneous predicates, most often expressed by verbs in the past tense, are used productively. It is proved that syntactic constructions with homogeneous components perform an important stylistic function: the subjects allow the simultaneous display of several active actors involved in the unfolding of events, thus giving the density and richness of the story. Homogeneous predicates create the impression of dynamism and tension, give the story a bright emotionality. In essence, the verb itself is one of the main means of reproducing the dynamics. The accumulation of synonymous homogeneous predicates embodies this rapidity and emotionality of action.
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