The article considers the linguistic means of expression of the FAMILLE concept in the context of A. Havalda’s story “L’Échappée belle”. Individual or author’s concepts reflect the personal experience of the writer, his imagination, vision of the world and attitude to it. The aim of the work is to research the peculiarities of the embodiment of the artistic concept of FAMILLE in the text of A. Gavalda story “L’Échappée belle”. The task of the work is to determine the content of the basic concept of FAMILLE in this story and to consider the peculiarities of its verbalization in the literary text. Two brothers and two sisters, Simon, Vincent, Garans and Lola, are members of the same family and do not allow others into their environment. “L’Échappée belle” is a story about one day in the life of siblings and at the same time a story about their childhood, about their whole life. The childhood passed, and years later the four of them had memories of their joint games and pranks. The center of the FAMILLE concept in the individual author’s decision is the image of a family consisting of four people, two brothers and two sisters. The content of the FAMILLE concept includes such components as family composition, common perception of the world, similarity of characters, common childhood, and, consequently, common memories, hobbies, experiences, close relationships between siblings, rejection of others, “strangers”. “Your circle” is reflected in the tokens: l’équipage, le clan, le camp, l’équipe, la ligue. An effective means of verbalizing the textual concept of FAMILLE in A. Havalda’s novel is a metaphor that comprehensively reflects the main semantic features of the concept and reveals it from new angles. The analysis of lexical and semantic representatives of the FAMILLE concept proved that the image of the family in A. Havalda’s story is created on the basis of the characteristics of the meeting of brothers and sisters, memories of a common childhood. The family in the story is not a way of life, not a common economy, it is first of all a common spiritual life, kinship of souls, similar tastes and views on literature, music, painting, it is close ideas about ethics and philosophy.
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