• N. О. Riabokin
  • D. M. Shatkovskaya
Keywords: law terminology, translation transformations, adaptive transcoding, mixed transcoding, descriptive translation


The article reviews the specifics of reproduction of English-language juridical terms in the field of criminal law in Ukrainian translations. Nowadays, general and criminal law terminology, in particular, is quite commonly used even outside of professional communication. One of the most important conditions for the effectiveness of criminal law is the perfection of its language. Among the requirements for its establishment are accuracy, clarity, accessibility, logic, comprehensiveness, simplicity, clarity, saturation with generalized terms and concepts and official character. The object of study is selected modern terminological English vocabulary of criminal law. And the subject of the research is peculiarities of English terms in criminal law translation into Ukrainian. It was discovered that the issue of criminal law terminology translation is one of the most difficult issues in the field of translation studies, because the terminological units are part of the vocabulary, which is developing rapidly and is constantly in demand among specialists in various fields. Also, the translation of juridical terminology in the field of criminal law within two different law systems requires translator’s fluency in the language of translation and the language of the original; proficiency of knowledge in the field of law of the country into/from which the juridical document or a separate term is translated, proficiency of special law terminology. After analyzing the characteristic features of criminal law English terms translation into Ukrainian, we came to conclusion that the most commonly used translation transformation is the choice of vocabulary equivalent (tracing). Adaptive and mixed transcoding are the least used translation transformations. One of the main problems in the process of translating criminal law terms is the problem of choosing a suitable counterpart, because there is a number of terms that can have multiple meanings both in the field of law and in everyday language. The choice of an acceptable translation is determined by the presence or absence of an equivalent in the language of translation. If such exists, then the procedure consists in its usual substitution, but in its absence – in the careful selection of one of the alternative counterparts, taking into consideration numerous linguistic factors such as stylistic affiliation, contextual environment, language norms, word compatibility, etc.


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How to Cite
RiabokinN. О., & Shatkovskaya, D. M. (2020). SPECIAL ASPECTS OF ENGLISH JURIDICAL TERMS REFLECTIONS IN UKRAINIAN TRANSLATIONS. New Philology, 2(80), 205-209. https://doi.org/10.26661/2414-1135-2020-80-2-31