This article deals with the problem of conceptual classification of verbs that remains actual and not fully covered in Ukrainian linguistics. Since the results of conceptual classification of lexicon are formed as a conceptual (ideographic) dictionary, three main stages of composing a dictionary will be described. A conceptual dictionary groups words by concept and semantic relation instead of arranging them in alphabetical order. This type of dictionary is onomasiological, therefore it first identifies concepts and then establishes the words used to designate them. The main item in ideographic dictionary is concept. Concepts combine the words, which are close in meaning, into dictionary articles. In the first stage of composing a dictionary, the set of concepts has to be formed. In order to highlight concepts, which are appropriate for the language picture of the world, a component analysis of meanings of the verbs was conducted. The meaning of the verbs of movement consists of the integral seme “move” and a series of differential semes, that indicate the features of movement: means, environment, type of surface, type of an object, trajectory, direction, time. These differential semes are inherent to clearly delineated groups of verbs, so they can classify lexicon. Therefore, the content of the received concepts of the conceptual dictionary consist of a combination of integral seme “move” and one of the differential semes. In the second stage of composing a dictionary, the content of dictionary articles is determined. The word is included in the article, if its meaning contains such a combination of integral and differential seme, which is typical for the concept. In the final third stage of composing a conceptual dictionary its articles are divided on zone of archilexeme, its derivative words, synonyms of an archilexeme, derivative words of synonyms. The method of conceptual classification, which is developed for verbs of movement, will work effectively on the material of other verb groups, and a dictionary composed with its help can be a part of conceptual dictionary of Ukrainian language.
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