Human life is induced by and connected with time, making it one of the fundamental phenomena of existence. For this reason, it is not surprising that in every natural language there are (sometimes many) means for conveying time or its components. Time as a notion has a dichotomic linguistic realization: on the one hand, by lexical and phraseological means, and, on the other hand, by grammatical tense forms. Understanding and interpreting time develop the mental and cultural concept that is mainly objectified through verbalized linguistic means. The analysis of lexical and phraseological time explication means reveals how the representatives of a linguistic and cultural community understand the notion of time from ancient times to the present, as these linguistic means preserve the cognitive experience of generations. The article is focused on the specification of the characteristic features of the universal axiological concept TIME verbalization in Turkish linguistic worldview. The research methodology is based on complete picking-out method, the field modelling method for modelling the nominative, derivative, phraseological fields, the method of consulting with informants. The leading method of conceptual analysis, based on the semantic interpretation of lexical and phraseological items, lets us specify the essential cognitive features of the concept. This study reveals the name-word and the representative words, which constitute the direct nominations of the concept and form the core of the nominative field of the concept TIME, and lexemes which form the pre-core zone of the nominative field. The investigation resulted in the development of derivational and lexical and phraseological (paremiological) fields as well as the list of differential cognitive features, which characterize the concept TIME in Turkish linguistic worldview and show how the members of Turkish linguistic and cultural community understand the notion of time and reflect it with the use of the available linguistic means.
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