The article is devoted to the research of the multipolar structure of the concept in cultural linguistics. The structure of the concept is embodied in the core, near and far periphery. The concept has a different character, and in this regard, the related cultural facts occupy a special place in cultural linguistics. According to several scientific research, it can be said that a concept can be transformed into single-level (single-core), multi-level (differentiation of abstract levels, including several cognitive layers), segmental (other general levels of the same degree). The concept is multi-layered and at the same time multipolar. Cognitive linguistics has a different structure. In this regard, the concept of “justice” varies across different fields and different approaches. In accordance with the understanding of each person, the concept of “justice” is studied from a philosophical, religious, legal, legal, social and psychological point of view. This approach is an interdisciplinary tool that brings together the attitude to the concept of linguists, philosophers, cultural scientists, sociologists, lawyers and other specialists. Therefore, in this research, cultural linguistics as a unit can be considered as representatives and examples of several classes and categories. This scientific article is considered as a global multidimensional unit of the mental level. Thus, a concept is more abstract and multipolar than a word. The concept of justice has an extensive lexical base and is perceived both in legal and moral senses. All this is reflected in the mental perception of reality and the formation of the value foundations of culture. The concept of justice has a multipolar expression in social communication. The study of this category is complicated by its representation in many spheres of activity and the moral side, which has broad evaluative possibilities.
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