The scientific article is dedicated to the analysis of the characteristic features of dictionary entry genre. It establishes the value of dictionary entry genre and emphasizes the importance of a comprehensive analysis of its distinctive characteristics. The research outlines modern approaches to define the notion of “genre”. Accordingly, it suggests the definition of the notion “dictionary entry genre”. The paper highlights obligatory dictionary entry components that include the object and scope of lexicography as well as dictionary addressee. It presents obligatory and optional parameters of dictionary entry. The obligatory parameters include orthographic, phonological, orthoepic, grammatical, stylistic, semantic, illustrative, normative and word-forming peculiarities of a lexical unit. The optional parameters comprise etymological, statistical, thematic, associative, linguistic and bibliographic information. The article considers dictionary entry genre composition of modern electronic dictionaries. It suggests an invariant composition of dictionary entry genre and presents it in six functional-semantic (communicative) blocks, namely dictionary entry title (a register word), a part of speech remark, peculiarities of lexical item pronunciation (transcription), a thorough definition, the examples of lexical item use and some additional information about a word. Additional information includes derivatives, set phrases, collocations and phraseological units, lexical item etymology and frequency. The research emphasizes distinctive features of functional-semantic blocks and analyzes their characteristic value. It is noted that the content and features of lexical items presentation varies in different electronic dictionaries. It creates additional attraction for the readership and makes the electronic edition recognizable. The prospect of further scientific research is outlined, which presupposes linguistic and stylistic analysis of dictionary entry genre.
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