Keywords: synergetic system of translation competence, language competence, subject competence, translation competence, translator competence, digital learning


The article presents a concept of the propaedeutics to the basic course "Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) - Shaping the Future" at the International digital network university. The propaedeutics bases on the ESDcourse contents offered on the Goethe-Institute’s learning platform and also on some tasks from the Virtual academy of sustainability at the University Bremen. The concept target group are Ukrainian students studying for a master’s degree in translation with a focus on translation and interpreting. The aim is to build up the synergetic language, subject, translational and translator competence of the novice translators in order to train the students for the ESDcourse- participation. The modern translation competence profile shows synergetic properties. The newer models of translation competence in translation didactics as well as the competence framework of the European Master’s Translation Group include linguistic, translation, technological, personal, interpersonal and service areas of competence. Each of these areas includes relevant knowledge and skills to ensure the employability of translators and interpreters. The most important aspects, which represent the emergence of the category "translation competence", include translation competence and translator competence. Both aspects are in a dynamic hierarchy with each other and should be acquired at the same time in class. The different areas of competence are used simultaneously in the translation and interpreting process and are characterized by their self-organization, which confirms the synergetic character of translation competence. Language competence corresponds to language knowledge, subject competence is a part of translation competence, translation competence therefore corresponds to subject and specific knowledge, translator competence corresponds to the communicative and soft skills of the translators and interpreters. The acquisition of synergetic translation competence requires a special didactic approach with 4 types of tasks, including preliminary exercises, introductory exercises, in-depth tasks and project work, which are presented in the online concept of the propaedeutics.


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How to Cite
Dorofeieva, M. S. (2021). SYNERGETIC OF TRANSLATION COMPETENCE IN ON-LINE LEARNING. New Philology, 1(81), 108-116.