Keywords: dancesport / ballroom dance discourse, institutional discourse, addresser, addressee, communication


The article discusses the dancesport / ballroom dance discourse as a kind of institutional communication established by several important parameters including typical participants / interlocutors and their relations, chronotope, setting, aim, values. It combines features of sport and dance discourses. The purpose of the research paper is to determine the role of dancesport discourse as well as its place among other institutional types of communication. It has been found out that dancesport discourse meets the requirements and expectations of interlocutors involved into various types of interactions related to ballroom dance activities. The results of the study can be summarized as follows: typical participants in dance and sports discourses are very similar in performing their main functions; in many aspects aims and values of the ballroom dance discourse coincide with those in dance communication and sports interactions (cf. the great desire to win in sports discourse participants and the achievement of the aesthetic employment in dance discourse interlocutors). As to temporal features, time of communication is not limited to training or competition. These characteristics prove the expediency of the hybrid type of the ballroom dance communication. Dancesport discourse is socially significant. Being related to art, it encourages the feeling of aesthetic satisfaction while as a sport interaction it stimulates a healthy competition, provides the members of society with the meaning of success, happiness, and acceptance. It is noteworthy that dancesport discourse necessitates such type of dancer-spectator communication that goes beyond clichéd, specialized manner and is efficiently realized by the synergy of visual and audio encoding means.The specific character of dancesport discourse is its representation in real time. On the one hand, it is dynamic and meets the demands of society for innovations. On the other hand, it relies upon the accumulated cultural and emotional experience and interlocutors’ knowledge of the world. Thus, dancesport discourse is a special kind of institutional communication that is characterized by a syncretic nature supported by interdiscursivity and semiotic synergy.


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