Keywords: English-language digital discourse / textual space, programming languages, linguosemiotic basis, discourse, text, social digitalization


The article considers discourse via cognitive-communicative activities of humans. The analysis focuses on the relationship of discourse, text and English-language digital discourse (ElDD). The latter (ElDD) is defined as a written process and the result of participants’ interaction mediated by computer technology, or thematically related texts written on programming languages (PLs) and their linguosemiotic basis, and modes of their encoding – decoding in the process of communication “human – human – machine”, “human – machine – human” and their variations. The central concept of the study is “English-language digital textual space” (ElDTP), which is defined as a written result of the participants’ interaction, reflected in the texts that mediate communication “human – human”, “human – machine”, “human – machine – human” and their variations. ElDTP is directly or indirectly represented by the linguosemiotic basis of programming languages (PLs), the English-language basis, and the prescribed modes of its encoding-decoding. Tactics and strategies for representing information in ElDD focus on the addressee’s attention to certain information and requires setting of a clear task for Pls commands, their clear verbalization and identification of algorithms for machines. However, human communication modes with the machine must also be improved by means of the English language. ElDTP is determined by the interaction of human and machine. Thus, the concept of “text” is a linguistic reflection of scientific abstraction, representing typical features of various communicative situations within ElDD. ElDTP is a more successful linguosemiotic variant, which creates a special “machine code”. A specific English-language presentation of guidelines for users of PLs, a description of certain codes by object-oriented PLs and their verbalization by means of the English language indicates the expansion of the boundaries of this informatized and technocratic verbal and creative textual space.


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