Keywords: linguistic analysis, concept, artistic concept, poetic concept, conceptual analysis, linguistic picture of the world, poetic picture of the world


Given the anthropocentric orientation of modern linguistics, the article raises a number of issues related to the peculiarities of studying the ways to conceptualize extralinguistic reality, the research of the principles of cultural information reconstruction at the background of the symbolic poetry context. The paper theoretically summarizes scientific ideas about the concept as a form of human cognitive activity, poetic concept as a special mental category, which describes and systematizes the existing principles and approaches to conceptual analysis, describes the methods of its effective use in the study of poetic discourse. The linguistic parameters of “concept” and “poetic concept” are clarified, the differences between the concept and the image are revealed and traced, the procedure of the linguistic analysis of the poetic concept is suggested. The approach to the poetic text presented in the article from the cognitive linguistics and linguopoetics standpoint allows describing it not only as a way of verbalized development of the world, but also as a result of complex interconceptual interaction. The poetic concept is considered as a special mental education, which is a means of expressing a set of ideas of the individual about a certain cultural segment and it is characterized, on one hand, by its focus on the reality, and on the other hand – on the figurative paradigm. As a result of the poet's creative imagination, their values and worldviews, it simultaneously acts as a means of realizing the cultural theme in the language and conceptual system of the author and an element of the poetics of creative works. It has been found that the concepts presented in the poetic discursive space are characterized by a special, somewhat “blurred” structure, in which, in addition to typical, standard meanings, there appear the new, individual-authorial ones. Therefore, for the explication of the area covered by the poetic concept, the author suggests to use a special model of their analysis.


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How to Cite
Overchuk, O. B. (2021). SOME ASPECTS OF POETIC CONCEPT LINGUISTIC ANALYSIS. New Philology, 2(81), 46-52.