Keywords: cognitive linguistics, literary fairy-tale, concept, fairy-tale images, conceptual picture of the world, national culture


The article deals with the concept ‘GOOD-EVIL’ in modern literary fairy-tales of the Ukrainians and Poles. A number of philologists who study conceptual linguistics have been indicated, substabtial contribution of modern foreign and native scientists to the problem accentuated, perspectives of leading scientific surveys described. The author emphasizes on individual creative originality of each nationality in making fairy-tales, characterizes a literary fairy-tale as a work of art, makes a detailed specific analysis of an authorial formative approach of modern writers to choose lexems of the concept ‘GOOD-EVIL’, indicates cultural and mental features of the concept formation in authorial fairy-tales. The article outlines verbal means of the concept in modern fairy-tale discourse, summarizes representative nominations in accordance with the semantics, compares expression semantic models in fairy-tales, finds general and specific features of the concept in the Ukrainan and Polish languages. It also pays attention to the fact that different names in their temper, as well as the describtion of the concept, detail specific features of fairy-tale characters, make the background to the events. The role of the concept ‘GOOD-EVIL’ is explained as an important element that accomplishes content, stylistic, emotional and evaluative activity; it also helps to perform the main function of a fairy-tale – educative, when it forms firm spiritual values. Folk background of literary fairy-tales of both nationalities is pointed. The author pays her attention to the information that the lexems of the certain semantic are inter-mixed that promote deeper comprehension of a literary work. The compared base makes the concept a unique notion of an ethnic culture that shows the following shared and different features of the Ukrainians and Poles: sensuality and rationality, dreamy and pragmatic indications, belief in the possibility to influence one’s destiny. They demonstrate the way to form mentality of a certain nationality that proves the concept ‘GOOD-EVIL’ to be a representative of a national culture.


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