This article is devoted to research concepts of «langue» and «мова» («language») performing a conceptual analysis of words langue and мова in French and Ukrainian languacultures and a contrastive analysis of its results. The topicality of this research lies in the fact that language is one of the key cultural components and an important concept that forms the linguistic consciousness of every nation, and it also lies in lack of a complete comparative study of these two concepts in French and Ukrainian languages.
The goal of our study is to perform a conceptual analysis of words langue and мова. In order to reach the goal, the following tasks are set: to analyse the definitions of words langue and мова in French and Ukrainian dictionaries; to determine nuclear concepts of their meanings; to determine appropriate conceptual domains and their cognitive features in French and Ukrainian languacultures; to perform the contrastive analysis of the received results and to interpret its conclusions. The objects of the article are the concepts objectivated by the signs langue and мова and its subjects are these words in the studied languages. The main framework of conceptual and contrastive analysis was shown.
Conceptual analysis made it possible to identify similarities and differences in the interpretation of the concepts of «langue» and «мова» in French and Ukrainian languacultures. The determined similarities witness to a relevant congeniality of the investigated concepts in two languages, and therefore to a relevant proximity of two languacultures. The found differences prove that each nation and each (langua)culture has its own principles of conceptualisation of the world and the concepts reflect them. One of the prospects for further research is to perform associative experiments with French and Ukrainian native speakers and to analyse the results to complete the integrated contrastive analysis of the concepts of «langue» and «мова»in French and Ukrainian languacultures.
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