The purpose of the article is to reveal the issues of the historical importance of the formation of words and interpretations in the dictionary, as well as the placement and interpretation of the words, and approaches how to determine the criteria for the classification of the words. In addition to the interpretation, existing in reality itself, as well as expression in sense and concept. The questions of the system concept in the dictionaries and their ideographic features are touched. The article examines the features of the gender vocabulary of the Russian based on the explanatory dictionary. This vocabulary explains how the actual influence of socio-cultural and linguistic factors determines the attitude of society towards the perception of male and female. The main ideographic branches of such vocabulary are professions and hobbies. The scientific novelty of the article is to reveal the traditional and newest approaches to the issue of the ideographic aspect of the language, in this case, using the example of vocabulary related to gender. The article highlights the universal patterns and national-specific differences during the interpretation of concepts, their functioning in language and speech. It also examines the industries related to various aspects of the formation of the reality of consciousness and the explicitness of logic without taking into account gender factors, using the example of the interpretation of professions and hobbies. The article highlights the universal patterns and nationally specific discrepancies during the interpretation of concepts in the dictionary and their functioning in the language. The gender studies provide an opportunity to analyze the sociocultural and speech factors that determine the attitude of society towards men and women, as well as the behavior of speaking of individuals in connection with belonging to a particular gender and stereotypical ideas about male and female qualities. That is, everything that transfers the problem of gender from the field of biology to the social sphere. Because of the origin, meaning and use in speech, society corrects a person's linguistic consciousness, thus differentiating the social nature and position of the sexes in language and mentality, prescribing a person's aspirations patterns of behavior that he may not initially suspect. In the practical part of the article, the fragment of the explanatory dictionary of the modern Russian is presented. It reveals the features of the gender category directly related to sex and gender differences.
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