The article interprets the text of a public speech as a social action of the subject, which formulates its communicative intentions in accordance with the situation and socio-cultural conditions of communication, as well as the general strategy of language behavior and tactics of interaction with the recipient. The current state of the linguistic paradigm is characterized by an anthropocentric approach, the essence of which is to address the role of man in the process of generation and perception of language. A special role is played by the identification and study of the most effective means of optimizing the verbal influence on the listener, which is a significant contribution to the development of speech culture and political communication. The article argues that the dynamics of social development entails changes in the field of political communication and constantly makes new demands on language. A new field is being created for the formation of relations between the state and society, between politicians and citizens. In the context of such shifts, not only the linguistic analysis of Helmut Kohl’s public speeches as a separate genre of political discourse comes to the fore, but also the analysis of the socio-political circumstances under which they are created. The theoretical basis of the study are the works of Ukrainian and foreign experts in the field of: political linguistics and political discourse (V.Z. Demyankov, N.M. Popova), the theory of rhetoric (I.Y. Kovalchuk, L.I. Matsko), the genre of public speech (M.O. Didenko, M.S. Dorofeeva, H. Shoyrle), theories of stylistic figures (N.M. Razinkina, I.I. Radchenko, K.A. Kiyanova), functional stylistics (I.Y. Kovalchuk, A.P. Skovorodnikov). It is pointed out that each of the analyzed figurative language means has significant opportunities to clarify the pragmatic intentions of the speaker and to strengthen the influence of the speaker on the audience. The validity of the obtained results is ensured by a significant number of analyzed German examples (over 400 language units), as well as the use of complex methods of analysis, involving modern communicative-pragmatic, discursive methods and their combination with traditional descriptive techniques.
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