Keywords: colloquial vocabulary, lexical-thematic group, vocabulary, lexical item, classification, stylistics


An article devoted to the study and analysis of the features of the lexicothematic group “сolloquial vocabulary”, which functions in the works of the outstanding writer and world classic N. Gogol. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that currently includes part of the words that make up the group of names of the сolloquial vocabulary, goes to the periphery of the language lexical system and and is completely forgotten by native speakers of modern language. The study examines some features of the author’s use of this lexical group, which distinguishes such subgroups as administrative relations, relations by type of activity, family relations, names of clothing, household items, names of foods and beverages. An explanation of why the writer focuses on the use of сolloquial vocabulary is offered. A description and detailed assessment of each subgroup of the main lexical-thematic group “Сolloquial vocabulary” is given. The main approaches and expediency of using “сolloquial vocabulary” are represent in the work of N. Gogol. It is established that the study of the language of works and their artistic linguistic images is one of the most difficult and time-consuming tasks in the science of language. The fiction is multifaceted. Language in this case acts as a form of verbal art, as a holistic verbal-artistic unity, a special type of aesthetic, stylistic, verbal structure, and its study is closely linked not only with linguistics but also with literary criticism and aesthetics. It is proved that the writer sought the objectivity of the image of reality, he revealed the social life, social environment and inner world of man in their mutual relations and in harmonious proportionality. The composition of lexical thematic subgroups once again confirms that N. Gogol tried to convey in his work the amazing color of people’s lives. Drawing pictures of life, describing in detail the portraits of his heroes, N. Gogol sought a comprehensive depiction of life, customs and human character. Through a picturesque reflection of real life, the author successfully combines humor and romantic attitude to the world. The richness of content, the wonderful expressiveness of artistic images, the unique originality of the poetic style makes his works original.


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How to Cite
Khortiuk, D. O. (2021). FEATURES OF THE LEXICO-THEMATIC GROUP “СOLLOQUIAL VOCABULARY” IN THE WORK OF N. GOGOL. New Philology, 2(81), 179-183. https://doi.org/10.26661/2414-1135-2021-81-2-26