The analysis of terms is based primarily on the laws of terminology. One of the main tasks of it is to study the terminology systems of a separate branch of knowledge, which includes the green marketing terminology system which is a quite young system of terms and emerged at the intersection of ecology, economics and marketing. Green marketing efforts are aimed at meeting the needs of people through the production, sale and consumption of goods, services, information exchange, etc., while they do not disturb the ecological balance and do not affect human health. Green marketing terms provide accumulation, and transfer of professional information, and meet communicative needs of specialists in this field. The article is devoted to the study of semantic peculiarities of green marketing terms. The material of the research is English publicistic texts, which we consider to be the most important means of expressing the terminology of green marketing. In addition, we believe that the field of functioning is more important in terminology because the term is a linguistic unit that shows all its features and characteristics only when it is used in texts of different genres. The study showed that any publicistic text of green marketing contains in-disciplinary terms, interdisciplinary terms, general scientific terms, and common vocabulary. We should note that newspaper articles, compared to articles in scientific magazines, contain much fewer terms. It was also found that there are a large number of synonymous terms in publicistic texts. Synonyms of green marketing show their peculiarities only when they are a part of publicistic texts. Taking into consideration the results of our analysis, three groups of synonyms were identified in the green marketing terminology, the most frequent of which is a group of synonyms, which are partially used in publicistic texts. The process of unification of synonyms is important for the green marketing terminology, and it is necessary to adhere to the criteria of term motivation and absolute frequency of term usage. The results of our study will promote mutual understanding between scientists around the world and facilitate the process of information transfer.
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