The article focuses on the analysis of language means to realize tactics of manipulative impact in modern English mass media. In this regard we explore the main tactics of influence that make readers feel confused in the information flow through effective stylistic devices use. This modern method of psychological influence retains strong power over various spheres of life, including politics, medicine etc. and makes the networked Fourth Estate primary one. Thus, the research studies language means which realize the tactics of fake news in the mind of readers that create certain effect on public opinion. The influence tactics on the public consciousness are distinguished by the goals and intentions of media text author and are aimed at cooperative interaction with the reader through the correct language means selection. They fit well into a posttruth policy that blurs the line between objective facts and evaluative judgments. The research investigates the consequences of informational impact on public consciousness, highlighting the communicative tactics of the media such as absurdization, hyperbole, reference to authority, influence on emotions and feelings, open criticism, inaccurate information, self-justification, gaslighting, promises, threats, exposure, alogism, advice etc. They determine the presentation of information in the media text implemented through lexical and stylistic language means, that depend on perspective of certain events coverage. The public consciousness media-impact analysis made it possible to claim that emotional state and information perception level of a person depends on selection of special manipulative tactics. The research perspective is to define various tactics as psychological techniques in certain text paterns, that encourage readers to make irrational conclusions.
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