Keywords: foreign language communicative competence, professional foreign language, students of non-linguistic specialties, communicative approach


he article actualizes the role of professional foreign language training and highlights the peculiarities of teaching a foreign language in a professional direction. Despite the general recognition of the need to develop communicative orientation in foreign language teaching, teaching foreign languages for nonlinguistic specialties is mainly aimed at developing students’ skills of reading and translating professional literature, which is insufficient to form a full-fledged foreign language communicative competence. The author identifies the professional competencies (key, basic and special), that students of non-philological department should have, and analyzes the role of foreign language competence in the process of professional training. It is established that for successful teaching of a professional foreign language to students of non-linguistic specialties it is important to combine the structural and systemic principle of teaching grammar with a communicative approach. The basic requirements to the communicative situations used in the course of educational activity for formation of communication skills are considered. It is established that for the formation and implementation of communicative abilities in the learning process, communicative situations must satisfy the cognitive interest of students of non-linguistic specialties. The author of the article emphasizes the importance of mastering the lexical aspect of language during communicative learning and gives examples of methods of teaching a foreign language in a professional field that can provide understanding of professional terminology units and skills of practical using of the vocabulary. The criteria for selection of special texts as an initial basis for the analysis of syntactic, lexical grammatical and phraseological phenomena are determined. The publication contains an overview of optimal methods of formation and development of lexical skills, abilities and skills of oral and written speech, as well as practical knowledge of a foreign language in the field of professional activity. The article is useful for the teachers of professional foreign language of educational establishments.


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How to Cite
Narizhna, L. M. (2021). FEATURES OF PROFESSIONAL FOREIGN LANGUAGE TRAINING OF STUDENTS OF NON-PHILOLOGICAL SPECIALTIES. New Philology, (82), 193-197. https://doi.org/10.26661/2414-1135-2021-82-31