Keywords: morpheme, wordformation, prefix, suffix, morphology


The proposed article is devoted to the study of typology of morphemes in the English and Ukrainian languages. The paper analyzes the productivity of English word-formation suffixes and prefixes, and characterizes the ways of wordformation in the modern English and Ukrainian languages. The main stages of scientific thought in the branch of linguistics and morphology have been reflected, such notions as “morpheme”, “word-formation”, “prefix”, “suffix” have been considered, and also the examples of morphemes in English and Ukrainian have been analyzed. We have analyzed the systemic structure of the variants of this category, and clarified their functional differentiation. The Common and different planes in the structure of words in Ukrainian have been determined. Identified and described functional patterns and morphological transformations that accompany the process of the Derivation of the deminutivative. It is found that English vocabulary is characterized by the productivity of affixal mode of word formation, which is a subordinate to morphological mode. It has been established that one of the most productive ways of nominative word formation are suffixal and prefixal ways. Suffix and prefix have a semantic function and can reflect derivatives belonging to a certain semantic group. The semantic groups according to the meaning acquired by derivatives by adding suffix and prefix to the derivative base are revealed and analysed in this paper. The performance of the verbal, nominative and adjectival bases in the formation of derivative nominatives in the Ukrainian language is analyzed. Word-formation types of morphemes have been singled out and analysed, the productivity of word-formation models in English and Ukrainian has been elucidated. The correspondence of different types of word-formation models in formation of derivative lexical units of different spheres of usage in researched languages is determined. Besides, the article deals with the comparative aspect of the study of morphological word-formation in the English and Ukrainian languages on the examples of the prefixes and suffixes, and characterizes general and distinctive morphemes in the English and Ukrainian languages.


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How to Cite
Pestushko, A. V., & Honcharova, V. B. (2021). RESEARCH ON THE TYPOLOGY OF MORPHEMES IN ENGLISH AND UKRAINIAN. New Philology, (82), 205-209.