This publication highlights the issue of reflecting terminological information in the nomenclature names of microorganisms, data processing for their use in professional and scientific communication. The known approaches to understanding of terminological information as conceptual (semantic) information that also have a linguistic nature are extended. Nominative units are considered as a means of displaying terminological information on two levels: by transferring information through the system of linguistic signs of common vocabulary and from a nominative unit to displaying extra-linguistic reality (accumulation, preservation and knowledge transfer and information about a real object). It is verified that a basic word, due to the transfer of the main meaning, transmits information twice: the first time – general language, the second – during the process of term formation, it focuses on information about the designated object through decoding of the definition in the term. Therefore, terminological information becomes a mean of preserving the knowledge and representing the accumulated data, obtained in the process of research practice on the problems of treating infectious diseases, it reflects the evolution of the process of cognizing the regularities of reality. The verbal codification of information is based on the use of general vocabulary borrowed from the Ancient Greek and Latin in the Latin nomenclature names of microorganisms. The conceptual meanings of notions “information”, “information representation”, “microorganism”, “infection”, “infectious agent”, “infectious disease” are characterized. The scientific circulation is enriched with new illustrative material. The purpose of the nomenclature names of microorganisms is highlighted. It is stated that terminological information represents brief data about microorganisms in a concise form; it is a terminological “product”, an effective resource for information support of the system of academic and practical activities. The processing of data, concentrated in the nomenclature names of microorganisms is widely used in the medical field.
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