The given article embraces the nominative potentialities of contextual synonyms in modern English. We shall confine our attention strictly to the examining of lexical units on the material of literary and newspaper discourses. The paper deals with the correlation of the current state of the language with the studied linguistic phenomena - contextual synonyms. It seems essential to emphasize that the interest of linguistic dynamism will always direct modern linguistics to a thorough examination of those speech phenomena that are of secondary importance. We are aimed at characterizing the nominative potencies of contextual synonyms considering modern sources.
A detailed study of contextual synonyms (CS) in the context of holistic linguistics is offered. The study of contextual synonyms will allow us to trace their situational (occasional) usage of synonymous units on the material of English language or newspaper discourses. The study has found that contextual synonyms lead to the actualization the function of the evaluative nomination, while enhancing the tale about its hero, situation or circumstances.
It should be noted that contextual synonyms are subjective notions in the process of discovering. The meaning of the CS can’t be fixed by lexicographic sources, but are determined while analyzing a particular text. The nominative nature of contextual synonyms is characterized by imagery that reveals one or another synonym with a certain connotative meaning. Having researched CS through literature and newspaper texts it may be suggested that literature tends to be filled with connotations rather than newspaper texts. It is worth pointing out that contextual synonyms implement the function of nominative evaluation in the way of describing characters, events, etc.
Consequently, contextual synonyms can’t be only in the form of separate lexemes, but in the form of informational blocks, sentences, depending on the laws of syntax. The key prerequisites for contextual synonymy are the presence of one or more logically related texts in which the denotat is characterized by primary, secondary and discursive nominations. It has been found that contextual synonyms realize text-forming and text-developing functions.
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