The article analyzes the functioning of grammatical archaisms in I. Kotliarevskoho “Eneida” on the basis of division into lexico-phonetic, lexico-word-forming and lexico-morphological types. Frequent lexical-phonetic archaic phenomena include alternation of sounds; phonetic forms with the preservation of sound, which is replaced by another in modern language; inserting, truncating, dropping one or more sounds; non-full voicing -ра-, -ла-, which corresponds to the modern -оро-, -оло-, lack of prosthesis. Among the word-forming and lexical archaic phenomena are those associated with the use of the prefixes іс-, із-, в-, во-, воз-, вос, у-, од-, со-, су-; suffixes -ець- and -ник-; component много. It has been found that in “Eneida” there are many lexical and morphological archaic phenomena associated with the use of the obsolete verb personal form of the present tense єсть; suffix -ова-instead of -ува-, -юва; archaic infinitive forms on -ть; forms of personal verbs without ending; using the postfix -ся in verb forms; forms of the imperative mood with the unreduced ending -іте and -iм; personal verb forms of the reverse condition with the suffix -сь instead of -ся; postfix -ть in the form of the third person singular of the present tense; archaic forms of participles and gerunds; parallelism of personal endings of verbs in the first person plural: -мъ, -мо, -мы, -м, -ме, which developed after the decline of the reduced sounds. Common lexical and morphological archaic phenomena in the noun system include the use of obsolete noun forms with specific endings and suffixes; in the system of adjectives – the use of uncontracted full forms of adjectives (participles, ordinal numbers, indicative, definite and interrogative pronouns); the presence of contracted adjectives, verbs and pronouns; archaic case forms of adjectives; creating a analytical form of degrees of comparison of adjectives with the words «самий», «тяжко», «з диявола» and the suffix -ійш-. Archaic forms of pronouns, adverbs and auxiliary parts of speech that have fallen out of active use or survived in dialects.
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