Keywords: semantic complex, primary units, special/locative meaning, metaphorical meaning, aspectual meaning


The article focuses on examining the semantic structure of the postposition “up” being a second constituent in the English phrasal verb “go up”. In our study, phrasal verbs are regarded to be integral semantic complexes formed on the basis of different level of integration of semantic features of their constituents. The complexes under consideration present a new type of material for semantic analysis since in the process of formation of their meaning a shift in the semantics of their primary units – a verb and an adverb/preposition is observed. In the formation of the meaning of the phrasal verb, an important role belongs to its second component – the adverb or preposition, which are considered to be its primary units. Therefore, the postpositions of phrasal verbs in the context of their combination with the verb have very important functions, namely indicating the direction of the action, strengthening the meaning or changing the meaning of the verb. In the course of our investigation, we revealed 12 meanings of the postposition “up”, among which 6 (movement and position; increasing and improving; preparing and beginning; approaching; disrupting and damaging; happening and creating) are involved into forming the meaning of the phrasal “go up”. The postposition “up” is used in special/ locative meaning and has the function of indicating the direction of action in the meaning of the phrasal verbs go up 1, go up 2, go up 3 , go up 4, go up 5, go up 9. In case of metaphorical meaning, its usage is motivated by the metaphor “up is more” in the phrasal verbs go up 16, go up 17, go up 13, In aspectual meaning the postpositive “up” indicates the type of aspect (completeness, inhoativeness) in the phrasal verbs у go up 8, go up 10, go up 111 , go up 112. Phrasal verbs have become a considerable part of the lexicon of modern English. Gaining inside the meaning of their second constituents – postpositions is a matter of the utmost importance. Knowing the types of meanings of the postposition “up” will facilitate determining of meanings of the polysemantic phrasal verb “go up”. The perspective of research we see in conducting comparative investigation of synonymous and antonymous meanings of the postpositions in English phrasal verbs.


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How to Cite
Vyslobodska, I. M. (2021). TYPES OF MEANINGS OF THE POSTPOSITION “UP” IN THE ENGLISH PHRASAL VERB “GO UP”. New Philology, (83), 40-45. https://doi.org/10.26661/2414-1135-2021-83-5