Keywords: lexico-semantic methods of translation, lexical borrowing, transcription, loan translation, modulation, mutation, explication, implication


The article presents the results of a study of the peculiarities of German neologisms translation based on the analysis of data retrieval from the thematic field ‘FASHION’. Neologisms as lexical items that emerge in the language at a certain stage of social development and are perceived by speakers as ‘new’ mostly appear in the media space and are typical of journalistic texts. The formation of neologisms is an uncontrolled process, and a feature of the novel nature of neologisms is a relative concept. Criteria for quality translation of neologisms are adequacy, novel nature retaining and compact presentation. There is a threestage algorithm of the translating of neologisms, which includes pre-translation analysis, translation technology and post-translation editing. The translator applies extralingual knowledge, personal experience and information retrieval skills at each stage of the analysis. The technology of neologisms translation includes the choice of strategy, method, approach and technique of translation. The strategy of neologisms translating should aim at foreignization, but in case of comprehension difficulties, domestication is used. The choice of the method of neologisms translation depends on the translator’s decision to reproduce the lexeme by means of the target language or to transfer the lexeme into the target text without changes. Among the translation approaches that can be used in the translation of neologisms the following are to single out: lexical borrowing, modulation, explication, implication and mutation. These approaches can occur both in ‘pure’ and in combined form. The dominant approach of neologisms translating in the field of ‘FASHION’ is lexical borrowing by the means of loan translation and transcription. The loan translation serves rough translation for further evaluation and compliance with the criteria of adequacy, novelty and compactness. In case of difficulty in understanding the neologism translated by loan translation, modulation or mutation should be used. If these approaches do not ensure the adequacy of translation, it is appropriate to apply the techniques of explication and implication, expanding or restricting the meaning of the neologism in translation.


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How to Cite
Gudmanian, A. G., & Baklan, I. M. (2021). LEXICO-SEMANTIC ASPECTS OF GERMAN NEOLOGISMS TRANSLATION IN THE FIELD OF ‘FASHION’. New Philology, (83), 52-58. https://doi.org/10.26661/2414-1135-2021-83-7