The article studies the specificity of translation transformations of literary psychologism means based on the translations of S. Lem’s novel “Solaris” into Ukrainian and Russian languages. The choice of the object under analysis is determined by various forms of literary perception of the novel in the national cultural space and its place in the canon of popular literary works of the Soviet and post-Soviet periods. The methodological foundation of the comparative analysis is the modern hermeneutic paradigm of translation activity which efficiently synthesizes the methods of comparative and translation studies. The translation aspect of literary text interpretation becomes significant due to its transdisciplinary specificity (a combination of features typical of philosophical, literary, linguistic, and linguaculturological types of analysis). The accomplished comparative analysis of psychologism means interpretation by the translators of S. Lem’s “Solaris” confirms that the methods of translation used have essential differences determined by the specificity of the translator’s understanding of the main character’s personality concept and the genre peculiarity of the literary work. The translation by G. Gudimova and V. Perelman is deprived of excessive emotionality and metaphoricity as well as presents to the reader the character as an analyst, philosopher, and rational scientist. The translation of the character’s inner speech, as well as the choice of vocabulary to characterize his psychological state, actions, motivation for certain behavior, and environment are aimed at the minimum number of expressive means, which is mainly typical of the existential philosophical prose. The translations by D. Bruskin and D. Andrukhiv are targeted at the genre canon of science fiction as a variety of adventure literature, which is reflected in the choice of the translation strategy used. The character’s psychological features are more literary expressive, emotional, and figuratively metaphoric. The differences in translations revealed do not indicate that a certain translation interpretation is irrelevant but rather represent an integrated field of meanings – cultural, historical, ideological, religious, linguistic, and other ones.
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