Keywords: text of advertisement, advertising slogan, language tools, stylistic devices, lexical devices


The article is devoted to the linguistic study of the advertising texts in English. The usage of lexical and stylistic language tools, which are analysed in the article, promotes the enhancement of expressiveness in the text, provoke consumer interest and increase their desire to buy the goods which are advertised. The topicality of this research lies in identification and demonstration of a vast range of lexical and stylistic language used in the text of advertisement, which still remains understudied. That is why it remains in the focus of research for linguists. The concept of advertising, as one of the leading tools of communication, is also examined in the article. Advertising is considered not only to be an important tool in the marketing industry, but it is also one of the most widely used ways of conveying information about certain products or services for the general population. Such lexical and stylistic means as synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, polysemy, rhetorical figures (treatment, antithesis, euphemisms, personification, negation, play on words), explicit and implicit ways of dissemination of information, various forms of dialog, because in the process of making the texts of advertisement and slogans, the author carefully selects language tools which will correspond to the style in accordance with specific communicative situation, the nature of the recipient, the operating environment and the intention. The analysis of forty two texts of advertisement revealed the highest frequency of the use of lexical language tools, such as synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, polysemy, explicit and implicit ways of disseminating information, especially in the texts advertising cosmetics. We identified such stylistic tools as rhetorical figures, elliptical constructions, various forms of dialogues in the advertising of food and cosmetics. Thus, the effectiveness of consumers’ perception of the advertisement will depend on the use of each lexical (synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, polysemy, explicit and implicit ways of disseminating information) and stylistic (rhetorical figures, elliptical constructions, forms of the dialogues) language tools effectively.


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How to Cite
Kuspis, N. B., & Sanotska, L. G. (2021). LEXICO-STYLISTIC MEANS OF VERBALIZATION OF THE EXPRESSIVENESS IN THE TEXT OF ADVERTISING. New Philology, (83), 151-160. https://doi.org/10.26661/2414-1135-2021-83-22